Saturday, June 16, 2007


TEL: +27 11 643 6643 FAX: +27 86 689 9567 CELL: +27 83 480 7992


Our society thrives on strong families. Our family teaches us how to function in the world. It should provide love and warmth to all of its members. A strong family gives its members the support they need to make it through life’s toughest spots.

1. Strong families have good communication. Strong families have open lines of communication -- where all family members feel heard and respected. One of the best ways to strengthen your family is to increase your listening skills and those of other family members. Until we can hear each other, we cannot build strong relationships. To build strong family relationships you must learn the second act which is

2. Listen actively to each other.
Give the person your full attention, turn off the TV or put down what you are doing.

Focus on what the person is telling you -- rather than thinking about your reaction or response to what is being said. (There will be time for that.)
Listen for how the other person is feeling and relay back to them what you think they were saying and how they are feeling. “I hear you saying that you don’t like your sister.

You look pretty mad. Did something happen?” Resist giving advice or your reaction until you are certain you have fully understood what the person was saying to you.

3. Use “I” messages rather than “You” messages when talking. I messages are more difficult because they require us to be clear about our own thoughts and feelings. They, however, increase the chances that our message will be heard and decrease the chances that a fight will begin.
“I don’t like all this fighting. It upsets me to see the two of you not getting along.” Rather than “What’s wrong with the two of you? You’re making me crazy! Can’t you ever get along?”
Teach everyone in your family to talk with “I” messages as much a possible. You are much more likely to resolve problems when the focus is on behaviors and how those behaviors are affecting you or the family.
“You” messages should be discouraged because they often lead to bad feelings and increased fighting. “You” messages seldom resolve the problem.

4. Encourage all family members to share their thoughts and feelings. Strong families allow all family members -- no matter how young or small -- to talk about their thoughts and feelings. This does not mean that members are not respectful of one another, but rather that feelings and ideas are respected. Everyone should be expected to express themselves in appropriate ways -- such as with “I” messages. When people feel heard and respected, they feel better about themselves, are more open to solving problems, and are more likely to allow others to express themselves. Strong families spend time together.In today’s busy world it can be difficult for families to find time to be together. All relationships need attention - and this includes the family as a whole.

Family rituals can offer a set time for families to get together and give each other the attention that is needed. A family ritual is simply a time that is set aside on a regular basis for a family to get together. This can mean having dinner together, celebrating a holiday together, going to church together, or just going for a walk together every week. It is important that the family ritual be predictable and that other activities are not allowed to upset it.
to get together, to share experiences with one another, and to reconnect with each other. Knowing that the family will have time together can help us deal with those times when we are apart. Even though parents may work, children can know that each evening, each weekend (or whenever works for your family) they will have some “special time” with you.

Every child is special and every child needs some special time when he can have his parent all to himself. Giving your child some “special time” helps develop a close relationship with your child. Consider setting aside some time -- perhaps 15 minutes -- for each child each week. (Better yet, 15 minutes each day, if that is possible.) Make it a predictable ritual so that the child can depend on it and look forward to this time with you. Be sure that this “special time” is not easily interrupted by other activities. For example, don’t answer the phone during this time.
Allow your child to help you decide how to spend this time. You could read books, sing songs, go for a walk, play a game -- or whatever your child enjoys. The more you are able to spend “special time” with your child the stronger your relationship will be.

Look for opportunities to connect with your child. Although setting aside time with your child is important, also look for small moments that you can use to connect with your child. You can make up stories together while doing chores, talk about concerns while on the way to the grocery store, read a book together while waiting for dinner to finish. We often think we have to wait for our “special time” but all these small moments help us stay connected in between the more scheduled times.

Strong families handle their conflict fairly. All families have conflict – it’s a natural part of human relationships. Strong families are able to work through fights and disagreements by focusing on the problems, rather than by “tearing each other down.”

Keys to Fair Fighting

Stay focused on the behavior or problem. Use “I” messages to express your thoughts and feelings about the problem. For example, if you and your child are arguing about bedtime, you could say “I get angry when you continue to argue with me even after I’ve told you my decision. I want you to go to bed now.” instead of “You never listen to me. Go to bed now or I’ll spank you.”

Stay focused on the present problem. Do not bring up old issues and problems. These only distract from the present issue. You can discuss them later.

Respect each other’s right to safety. Fights should never become violent. When people are so angry that they feel like hitting one another or throwing things, then the discussion should be stopped. Agree to get together to talk again after everyone has had a chance to calm down.

Use your problem solving skills to create new solutions to the problem and teach your kids to think of ways to resolve conflict. It is not useful to fight about what isn’t working. Instead, focus on what has worked in the past or what could work now.
For bedtime problems, you could try saying, “I am tired of always arguing with you about your bedtime. Let’s come up with some new ways that you can get to bed without all this hassle.” Then you and your child could think of some solutions and decide which one to try. The more you include your child, the better problem solver he will be -- and the more likely to follow through with the plan.

Strong Families Develop Trust. Strong, healthy families recognize the importance of developing trust. Trust is the glue that holds relationships together.

Some ways to develop trust in your family are:
Give your child opportunities to earn your trust. Let her do small tasks around the house and praise her for doing it on her own.
Show your child that you can be trusted. Children need to know that they can count on what their parents say. Follow through with the things you promise to do.
Allow people in your family to make amends. We all make mistakes. Teach your child to forgive and allow yourself to forgive others. Holding on to past hurts often only hurts us.
Teach everyone how to say “I’m sorry.” Taking responsibility for our good and our bad behaviors is important and helps to develop trust. People learn to trust that they can be loved even though they are not perfect.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Problems are not suppose to define you but DESIGN you. When problem surface that tells us that there is SOLUTION.
If we have to deal with problems in marriages, we have to look into the foundation of marriages. Every house is built on foundation. If foundation is not right it cannot stand the test of floods, winds. (Matthew 7:24-27)

Marriage depends on how you start the foundation.1. Is God involved or do you involve God in your planning to marry, and your marriage?
(John 15:5; Proverbs 3:4-5) Get God's will, is this God's will for your life?, then it is blessed already.
2. Living in the world of fantasy, promising one or another what you know you cannot do e.g. buy aeroplane if you marry me. (Matthew 5:37)

3. Avoiding wrong concept
My friends are married I’m alone, influence from parents, Ageing, I’m getting old, I cant control myself, I need someone to support financially.

4. Traditions of men
If you follow the traditions of men you will miss the good in marriage and tradition will not deliver you from the problems in marriage. Tradition will hinder you from GOD’S BEST in marriage e.g. Asking the woman to stay with the family of the husband to teach her what to do in marriage, offering sacrifices and rituals to ancestors. E.t.c.

5. Living as husband and wife when you are not yet blessed finally by your spiritual parent that is your Pastor in the presence of the saints. (John 2:1-2)

Don’t forget your both parents have to accept and bless both of you first so that it shall be well with you. (Read these scriptures for liftings - Heb 13:4; Eph 6:1-2)

If you are disobedient to your spiritual and biological parent who teaches and live by example of the Lord, your own children will do exactly what you do. You will reap what you sow.

Questions you should have before going to marriage are: -1. Am I mature enough to handle life in marriage? (1 Cor 13:11) Babies don’t get marry.
2. Will I be able to provide for my family? Marriage is responsibility (1 Tim 5:8)
3. Deal with the issue you know that can destroy your marriage e.g. fornication or sexual immorality (Matt 5:27-28; 1 Cor 7:1; Prov 6:32)
4. Lying, if you keep lying to your spouse, when he/she knows about it he/she will no longer trust you.

Obedient is the key to dealing with problems in marriage. (Eph 5:22-25)
Home where wife submit to husband and Husband Loves his wife children easily obey.
Anointing flows from the head, wife should be submissive in all areas e.g.
1. Vision of the husband
2. Financially - Prov 31:16-18
3. Sexually - 1 Cor 7:2-5
4. Wife should be able to yield in this as unto the Lord. (Eph 5:22: 1 Pet. 3: 1-3)
5.Husband Love your wife to the extent of given yourself for her. (Eph 5:25; 1 Cor 13:4-8)

1. Holding on to the past: Let go abuses of the past because it will not allow your marriage to go forward.

2. Criticism or blaming each other can destroy your marriage.

3. Not being honest to your spouse can cause problem to your marriage.

4. Lies of the devil e.g. stand for your right. (Phil 2:4)

5. Spouse should have a vision of keeping one another happy.

6. Don’t be a receiver only, stop your right and pursue your spouse right.

7. An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth e.g. My husband stay long outside let me do the same.

8. Comparisons: Husband comparing his wife to another woman vise visa make your wife to be like the woman you want her be.

9. Ignorance of your responsibility or duty. (Eph 5; Prov 22:6)

10. Ignorance of the purpose of marriage, the place where the purpose is not known abuses is inevitable.

TEL: +27 11 643 6643; FAX: +27 86 689 9567


"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live" (Deut. 30:19).
I heard at certain times that my father will say, "The person who shuts his spirit away cripples himself in life and becomes an easy prey to selfish and designing people. But the individual who learns to be led by the Spirit of God will rise to the top in life." Something rose up on the inside of me when I heard that, and I thought, "Well, now I know it's my choice!"

You see, God doesn't just choose who will be successful in life. He is no respecter of persons. He doesn't have favorites. He doesn't pick some to receive His blessings and others to miss out. He isn't in a good mood on some days and in a bad mood on other days. He doesn't look at one person and say, "I like you. You get everything I've got" and then look at someone else and say, "I don't know what it is about you. You just bug me. You just rub my fur backwards. You don't get anything."

No! God has no favorites. He loves everyone equally. It is up to us whether or not we rise to the top in life. We are free moral agents. We can live mediocre lives, scraping the bottom of the barrel, or we can rise to the top.

Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus purchased for us "all things that pertain unto life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3).

The work is already done; it's already purchased and paid for. The benefits belong to us, but we have to choose to partake of them. Will you walk in the blessings of God?

The choice is yours.

So follow God's counsel in Deuteronomy 30:19: "Therefore choose life."

Confession: I choose life, blessing, healing, and health.
I choose to believe the Word of God and rise to the top in life in Jesus Name, Amen!

Frank Ogagba Jr
Ever-increasing Faith Superkids
P. O. Box 87433, Houghton 2041
Johannesburg S. Africa
Mobile: +27 79 228 4928


You were not born again to live were born again to conquer through the blood of Jesus Christ. "Blessed shall be your basket in your store" (Deut. 28:5). This verse is referring to your finances and your resources.Deuteronomy 28:6 says, "Blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out."
Everything you touch is blessed:

Your spouse is blessed,

your kids are blessed,

all because you are a child of the living God.

The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: They shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.(Deut. 28:7)No weapon formed or conspired or designed against you shall prosper or shall succeed.(Isa. 54:17)
Isn't that amazing? Because you are a child of God, God has entered into a covenant with you, and that covenant cannot be broken.

The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses and in all thou settest thy hand unto; and He shall bless thee in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.(Deut. 28:8)
You do not belong to the devil - that's your "land." Your house does not belong to the devil, or your wife, or your kids. That's your "land," your premises.

It's about time we get a spiritual backbone, and stand on the Word of the living God, and let the devil know he is not going to destroy your marriage.

He's not going to get your kids.

He's not going to get your finances.

Get your head up and begin to shout: The victory is mine!

Chika Mitchelle Ogagba
P. O. BOX 87433, HOUGHTON 2041
TEL: +27 11 643 6643 FAX: +27 86 689 9567


"Jesus Said To Him, 'I Do Not Say To You, Up To Seven Times, But Up To Seventy Times Seven.'" (Matt. 18:22 NASB)

Peter Had Asked Jesus The Interesting Question Of How Many Times Must I Forgive The Same Person For Doing The Same Bad Things To Me? Peter Then Had Suggested Maybe Up To Seven Times. But Jesus Answered, "No, Not Seven Times, But Seventy Times Seven." That's 490 Times. And That's All In One Day, Because God's Mercies Are New Every Morning. The Message Bible Says: "Jesus Replied, 'Seven! Hardly. Try Seventy Times Seven.'" Why Would Jesus Expect This Of Us? It Seems Impossible To Do. But Jesus Wasn't Just Talking About Us. He Was Teaching Us About God's Ability And Willingness To Forgive.

He Would Never Tell Us To Do Anything That He Wouldn't Do Himself. If We Sin Against God Seventy Times Seven And Ask Him To Forgive Us, He Will. We Think God Would Tire Of Us And Refuse To Let Us Try Again. But God Is Awesome And Will Do It. Now He Is Saying That Because We Are So Forgiven, We Are To Forgive Others In The Same Way.

Thought To Take With You:
God Will Forgive Me Unconditionally. I Now Will Forgive Everyone Else The Same Way I Have Been Forgiven In Jesus Name, Amen.
Scriptural Text: 2 Corinthians 2; 1 Cor 1; Proverbs 17, 18; 2 Cor 2

P. O. BOX 87433, HOUGHTON 2041
TEL: +27 11 643 6643 FAX: +27 86 689 9567


Have you ever noticed how some people consistently tear you down, while others seem to have the ability to build you up?

When you've been built up, you've experienced something the Bible calls "edification." Edification is a fancy-sounding word, but it simply means to rebuild that which has been torn down.

Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

In the Bible, we're encouraged to "edify one another." As you encounter others today, your words are going to be used to either tear them down or build them up.

Make a quality decision right now to be a leader who is known by those around you as an "edifier." My question for you is, "Are you a leader who builds up or tears down?"

May God almighty helps you to be a leader that always build up others in Jesus name, amen.

If you have been blessed and encouraged please call or email us.

Yours in His vineyard

Pastor Steward Lumpa
Ever-increasing Faith Church
P. O. Box 87433, Houghton 2041
Johannesburg South Africa
Tel: +27 11 643 6643; Fax: +27 86 689 9567
Mobile: +27 83 480 7992


"Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth" (Eph 4:28). 

It always amazes me when I preach about prosperity and someone comes up to me and says, "I don't need much prosperity. I'm a simple person with a simple life. So I just ask God for enough to meet my needs." They think that's humility, but it's not. It's selfishness! They don't realise it, but they're actually saying, "All I care about is meeting my own needs. I have no ambition to help meet anyone else's." 

They could ask God for a million rands, take out just enough to meet their needs, and give the rest away. But that doesn't even occur to them because when it comes to money, they've been brainwashed by a world that says if you have it, you've got to keep it. That philosophy has hindered the ministry of Jesus Christ on the earth today. It has caused preachers to set aside their calling and get secular jobs just to survive. It's handicapped churches and stunted the growth of ministries that could have reached thousands more for the Lord. 

It takes money to preach the gospel. 
Jesus Himself knew that, and contrary to what some people think, His ministry was not a poor one. He had so much money coming in and going out through His ministry that He had to appoint a treasurer. His name was Judas. But Jesus didn't store up that money for Himself. He gave it to meet the needs of those around Him. 

He had such a reputation for giving that on the night of that last Passover when Judas left so abruptly, the disciples assumed that Jesus had sent him out to give to the poor. Can you imagine how much and how often Jesus must have given to the poor for the disciples to make that assumption? 

Jesus never built a worldly empire for Himself. But that doesn't mean He was poor. It means He was the greatest giver Who ever walked the face of this earth - and it's time we started following in His footsteps. 

Don't turn down the wealth God wants to give you just because you don't "need" it. Dare to accept it, then pass it along to those who do. Stop working for a living and start working for a "giving." 

Discover for yourself what riches were really meant to do.

Scripture Reading: Luke 12:15-31


P. O. BOX 31612, BRAAMFONTEIN 2019
TEL: +27 11 643 6643; FAX: +27 86 689 9567; MOBILE: +27 82 687 0994


Saturday, June 9, 2007


Idahosa, Benson Andrew 1938 to 1998
Church of God Mission International Inc. Nigeria

His Early Christian Ministry TestimonyAs a young Christian, I once heard my pastor say during a morning service that Christians could raise the dead in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believed it with all my heart. And flying around on my bicycle in those days, I went through the city of Benin in search of a dead person to raise to life. After about five hours of hard searching I found a compound where a little girl had died a few hours before. The corpse had been cleaned and prepared for burial. I walked boldly up to the father of the dead child. "The God whom I serve can bring your baby back to life," I told him. "Will you permit me to pray for the child and bring her back to life?" The man was startled, but he agreed. With great enthusiasm, I walked into the room and up to the bed. The child was cold and dead. With strong faith in the Lord, I called on the Lord to restore the child back to life. I turned to the corpse and called it by name, "Arise in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Oh Glory to God! The corpse sneezed, heavily, alas. The child had come back to life! (Benson Idahosa)

Benson Idahosa's Childhood Benson Andrew Idahosa was born in Benin City on September 11, 1938 of A poor pagan parents. He was a sickly infant who was always fainting. As a result of his constant illness his father ordered the mother to throw him in the dust bin. When he was eighteen months old he was left on a rubbish heap to die. He was rejected by his father, sent to work on a farm as a servant and was denied education until he was fourteen years old. His education was irregular due to the poor financial status of his parents. He later took correspondence courses from Britain and the United States while working in Bata Shoe Company. His Conversion and Call to the Ministry His conversion was dramatic and his calling supernatural. He was converted by Pastor Okpo on a football field one Sunday afternoon while playing soccer with his teammates. Thus, young Benson became the first Bini member of Pastor Okpo's small congregation. As a young convert he became very zealous in winning souls and in conducting outreaches in villages around Benin City. He was called to the ministry in a night vision from the Lord. "I have called you that you might take the gospel around the world in my name, preach the gospel, and I will confirm my word with signs following," said the voice from heaven. The room was filled with the presence of God as Benson fell to his knees beside the bed: "Lord, wherever you want me to go, I will go." He prayed on through the night, renewing his vows to God and interceding for his people who were yet to hear the message of salvation. After his call, Benson launched into ministry work preaching from village to village the gospel of Jesus Christ with great power and anointing. More people confessed Christ as their Saviour, and more healings occurred as he prayed for the sick. Expansion of His Ministry and His Credentials Benson Idahosa, the archbishop and founder of Church of God Mission International Incorporated with its headquarters in Benin City, Nigeria established over 6,000 churches throughout Nigeria and Ghana before 1971.

Many of the ministers he supervised pastored churches of 1,000 to 4,000 people. In addition to filling the position of archbishop of Church of God Mission, he was also president of All Nations for Christ Bible Institute, president of Idahosa World Outreach and president of Faith Medical Centre. He held positions in numerous organizations including the college of bishops of the international communion of Christian churches and the Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma. Idahosa earned a diploma in divinity from Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, which he attended in 1971, a Doctorate of Divinity in 1981 from the Word of Faith College, New Orleans and a Doctor of Laws degree from Oral Roberts University in March 1984. He also received other degrees from the International University in Brussels, Belgium.

Archbishop Benson Idahosa and his wife Margaret Idahosa were blessed with four children. Idahosa's Supreme Task Soul winning was Idahosa's primary concern. With a motto "Evangelism our Supreme Task," he worked towards this goal of reaching the unreached in Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a black African, he found the doors of African countries were wide open and he ministered in over 123 countries all over the world. Crusades played a major role in his ministry. He was involved in at least one crusade per month. A record crowd of nearly one million people a night attended his Lagos Crusade in April 1985. He established the Redemption Television Ministry with a potential viewing audience of 50 million people. What Leading Gospel Ministers Said about Benson Idahosa According to Mrs. Gordon Freda Lindsay, president of Christ for the Nations Inc., Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.:

I know of no young black in all of Africa who is reaching millions as Benson is,--in crusades with hundreds of thousands in attendance, in his weekly nationwide telecast, in his Bible School, training eager students from several nations. He also conducts campaigns in Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Australia and the United States, where he often appeared on national religious telecasts. His burden for souls, his ministry of healing and miracles, even to the raising of several dead, demonstrates he is especially called of the Lord in these end times.

Benson Idahosa is sought after by everyone in his state, from government officials to beggars. When they posed questions and explained their problems to this man they received instantanous miracle solutions, just as people did in Bible days with God's prophets. And the people get miraculous answers from this mighty leader of God's people.

Benin City respects and salutes this great man of God, even at death.

Papa Idahosa moved with God and our people know it. His great miracle cathedral (his headquarters) seats over 10,000. His Bible School attracts upper class people from different African nations. And they also come from Maurice, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, the Middle East, Europe and other nations of the world--a truly International Bible Training Centre of dynamic faith. People know that Bishop Idahosa preached what he practiced. Dr. Idahosa's evangelistic ministry has reached nations around the world. He was the first black African evangelist to shake Australia in a massive crusade that got national attention. His seminars have affected Christians and church leaders in many countries. I sincerely salute this man because he practiced among his own people what he preached to the world. Benson Idahosa was a man who believed God's promises and that God's miracle provision applies to Africans as well as to Americans. He believed that Africa has a part in God's work, and Africa will reap God's blessings.

Evangelist T. L. Osborn, from Tulsa, Oklahoma remarked:Many who follow Idahosa's teaching have been saved from poverty and have learned to plant out of their desperate need and to look to God as their divine source thereby becoming prosperous Christians in their own land. Idahosa rose from the rank of an ordinary man to world leadership as a pastor, builder, counsellor, prophet, teacher, apostle, evangelist,--a man of godly wisdom and of Christ-like compassion, whose ministry has blessed millions the world over. Idahosa was the greatest African ambassador of the apostolic Christian faith to the world.

The Secret of His Success Idahosa operated in faith and he had a robust faith. He believed and trusted God with a childlike faith. He once said that living a daily life of absolute faith in God is the only secret to great success. He believed God for everything. "All things are possible to him that believes." He spent quality time in prayer and in the study of the God's Word. He said that if someone spends time studying the Bible and acting on it, people will come looking for that person for life solutions. Idahosa also spent time studying the works and lives of other successful people both in the gospel ministry and other fields of human endeavors and he applied the principles he learned about these successful people to his life and ministry. He was very energetic and hardworking. One of the ministers who served under him said that he had never seen a person who worked as hard as Archbishop Benson Idahosa. He was committed and consistent and he had confidence in himself. He was very humble and full of godly wisdom. Archbishop Benson Idahosa was said to be the leader of over seven million Jesus people worldwide before he went to be with the Lord in February 1998.

He is a spiritual father, mentor and a father figure to many in Nigeria and globally. He is still alive spiritually in our heart as if he is here with us. When I came over to Johannesburg South Africa in 1992 June after his prayers for me, I have always been intouch with him telephonically as he prays for me, my family and the new work God has laid in my heart. Indeed no one has taken that place for now, because I am forever greatful to God for this gift to me and the body of Christ.

Papa was highly interested in the Body of Christ not just his denomination and also was there to help the younger generation preachers.

P. O. BOX 87433, HOUGHTON 2041
TEL: +27 11 643 6643 FAX: +27 86 689 9567